Pity the nation…..

On the eve of  a General Election I want to share this poem of  the American philosopher and poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti that, until it was shared by a friend today, I had not read Pity the nation whose people are sheep, and whose shepherds mislead them. Pity the nation whose leaders are liars, whose sages… Continue reading Pity the nation…..

Two poems reflecting on ancestors and our connections with the past and the future

Randomness to reality Shapeless randomness Yet to be formed Unique in potential Unique in form Unique in life Yet to be realised Randomness stretching through time and space Chance meetings and movements Slowly evolving to an ‘I’ Not an  ‘other’ Each ‘I’ not knowing what it is producing or how it was produced ‘I’ is… Continue reading Two poems reflecting on ancestors and our connections with the past and the future

Some poems

Yesterday we went to the Wenlock Poetry Festival with our daughter and grandson. This was the first time I had been to such an event and perhaps not something I had thought of doing. I was absorbed in and almost wallowed in the words, the stories, the carefully crafted expressions and was most impressed when… Continue reading Some poems